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The Cross Country Tour

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Tour Summary

If you are looking for an adventure travel, then this tour is the perfect one. Bhutan’s meandering roads are no less adventurous than any in the world. With addition of majestic wonders, Bhutan’s Wild West may come across slightly, but the views of the landscape and wildlife en-route will swiftly take your mind off the trek! Trek up to the Bumthang valley and remote, unspoiled villages in the east. In Nutshell, it’s a trip transcending thousands of years of culture, history and nature.

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Categories: Culture Tours

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Duration: 17 days/ 16 nights
Entry : Paro, Bhutan
Exit: Samdrupjongkhar 
Seasons: throughout year
Places of visit: Paro, Thimphu (the capital), Punakha ,Wangdue Phojikha, Trongsa , Bumthang, Mongar, Trashigang and Samdrupjongkhar

During the flight over to Paro, you'll be able to see some of the highest peaks such as Mount Everest, Kenchenjanga and Makula.
Upon arrival, you'll be met by our representative who will accompany you to several must-see sites like the National Museum, which boasts beautiful displays related to the cultural and natural history of this incredible country. You'll also discover the famous Paro Rompong Dzong: regal and impressive, Dzongs are arguably one of the most distinct and important structures of Bhutan - architectural masterpieces as fascinating for their function as for their beauty! Finally, you'll hike down to the wooden bridge and enjoy some free time exploring the town.

Overnight at hotel: Paro


Hike to the Guru's Glory. Taktsang or Tiger’s Nest is considered one of the holiest sites in the entire Buddhist faith. Taktsang has been an important pilgrimage place for more than 1200 years. The monastery clings to a sheer cliff two thousand feet above Paro valley. You'll be able to venture to multiple temples inside the main Taktsang complex. Stop over for lunch at the teahouse on the way back, a paradise for photographers! Apart from the stunning view, you'll cast your eyes over waterfalls, meditation caves, prayer wheels, many prayer flags, and stupas. Total hike time: 4 hours
In the evening visit home stay in the Paro valley, where you can enjoy the traditional hot stone bath, local’s foods, try playing traditional archery game (National sports of Bhutan) and good interaction with the local families.

Overnight at Dorji Dema home stay: Paro

The Chele La Pass and Kila Gompa Hike. Start the day with a visit to Dzongdrakha village, the village that clings to a cliff overlooking rice fields and Paro valley. After about an hour’s drive, hike up to Kila Gompa Monastery. The Monastery consists of about 30 nuns. You can meet them over a cup of tea in the temple! Continue your hike to Chele La Pass, at an altitude of 3988m. You'll see lots of yaks on the way! From the Pass, get your cameras out for the spectacular view over the Himalayas.

The Haa valley is one of the most picturesque districts in Bhutan. The Haa valley is characterized by its rugged and mountainous terrain. Legend says that the Haa valley was previously dominated by animist traditions before the tantric master Guru Rinpoche visited the valley in the 8th century and transformed their beliefs into peaceful Buddhist traditions.

In addition to its natural, Haa also features a number of interesting sites including Chhundu lhakhang, dedicated to the valley’s protecting deity, 7th century lhakhang Karpo (white) and lhakang karpo (black) and Haa Dzongs.

Overnight at hotel: Haa


Tour of 'The Capital with No Traffic Lights' On the way to Haa, stop at Dobji Dzong, currently the Dzong is dedicated to the one of the very important Yogis called Jetsun Milerpa of 13th century.

The biggest town of Bhutan boasts many places of interest: painting schools - the learning center for Bhutanese artist and crafts, the zoo, where you can see the national animal of Bhutan - the Takin! Found above 3000m, these enormous creatures are rare, so take your camera! Continue visiting memorial stupa, traditional handmade paper factory and Changzamtog weaving centre.In the evening, why not wander into town and meet the locals? In the evening visit week-end market and craft market opposite of the Thimphu river.

Overnight stay in hotel: Thimphu


Dochula Pass and the Rice Fields of Punakha.Stop at Dochula Pass, at a whopping 3150m high, to take in the panorama of the Bhutan Himalayas. Spend some time walking around photographing the 108 Druk Wangyel Chortens, religious monuments reflecting Bhutan's spiritual and artistic traditions.As you descend, you'll also observe changes in vegetation. At the lower elevations in Punakha and Wangdue, cactus, banana plants, poinsettias and other semi-tropical plants dominate the exotic landscape.

Continue your drive towards Punakha and stop at Thinley gang lhakhang (2300mtrs). From there hike to the Toeb Changdana lhakhang and visit lhakhang. Continue hiking towards Lhabtsakakha, It will take around 03 -04 hrs. It is gradual climb passing through the villages and rice fields. Get ready with your cameras as the landscapes are stunning and the views are spectacular.

Overnight at hotel: Punakha


In the morning drive around 15 minutes to the Nyziner gang and visit very different architecture of Khamsum Yuelley Lhakhang (45 minutes hike) and spend some time for the meditation

Later, visit Punakha Dzong (ancient castle fortress built in 1637). Punakha is an ancient capital of Bhutan and the second Dzong built in Bhutan. The Dzong continues to be the winter home for the clergy, headed by the Chief Abbot, the Je Khenpo. It is a stunning example of Bhutanese architecture, sitting at the fork of two rivers, portraying the image of a medieval city from a distance. The Dzong was destroyed by fire and glacial floods over the years but has been carefully restored and is, today, a fine example of Bhutanese craftsmanship.
After lunch visit Chimi Lhakhang, dedicated to Bhutan’s popular saint Drukpa Kunely, otherwise known as “divine madman” due to his unorthodox methods of religious teaching, Walakha nunnery monastery and Khuruthang Zangtopelri. In the evening, short hike to Rinchengang village for a unique cultural experience.

Overnight at hotel: Punakha


Early morning drive to the beautiful glacial valley of Phobjikha. You will be driving through the rich vegetation of the Sha Valley and up to the famous Black Mountain Ranges, the longest mountain range in the country.

Upon arrival, visit the beautiful village and take a look around the Nyimapa School of Gangtey Gompa. This is the biggest of its kind in western Bhutan. Then, hike down to the nature trail (4.3 km) to the valley to soak up the stunning landscape also known as the valley of the Rare Black Neck Cranes. You can further down hike to the Kilkor thang village. It will be gradual walk in the open space, witnessing the spectacular landscape and explore the village.

Overnight at hotel: Phobjikha


Travel towards Bumthang, En route, we will stop at Trongsa. Ancestral home of Bhutan’s ruling dynasty, Trongsa is a strategically located on the east-west route. During the reign of the second King, the village was used as the night stop off point for his caravan of mules. Take a trip to Trongsa Dzong, once the summer home of the royal family. Built in the 17thCentury, it is one of the most strategically located dzong in the country. The Ta-Dzong or Watch Tower was converted to a museum in 2008. Today the museum contains roughly 244 items used for centuries by the Wangchuck dynasty. It also displays the famous Raven Crown used by the first King.

Then, we shall resume of journey uphill. Again, en route, we will stop at Tharpling. Visit the very sacred Tharpaling Lhakhang. The Monastery was built by a great saint called Longchen Runjam and it houses about 100 monks today and spent few minutes for the meditation. After the meditation, hike to the Lamai Goenpa and then to the Jakar valley. You can even hike further above the monastery to around 3800m for an incredible view over the Chamkhar Valley. (The highest altitude -3500mtrs-2800mtrs - the distance will be 04 - 05 hrs). The walk runs along the ridge of Kikila, through a forest of pine and bamboos then finally follows the royal trail, used by the Kings of the past. Get your cameras ready for an amazing view of the surrounding valleys.

Overnight at hotel: Bumthang


Today, you will be discovering a number of sights, starting with Jambay Lhakhang. Built by King Tsongtsen Geombo of Tibet, it is one of the oldest temples in the country, dedicated to the Buddha Myatriya. Next stop: the famous Kurjey Lhakhang - this is the place where the Guru Rimpoche came for the first time to Bhutan in 8 AD and converted the king and his people to Buddhism. Thangbi Village and its Temple are also well-worthy of a visit. The temple has rare, ancient paintings which date back to the 15th Century. Followed by Jakar Dzong built in 1646 A.D by Minjur Tenpa, the third Druk Desi (Temporal ruler). In 1683 AD it was extended by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay, the fourth Desi, Wangdichoeling palace, Tamshing lhakhang and Kenchosum lhakhang.

Overnight at hotel: Bumthang


In the morning drive to Tang valley. Hike to the Ugyencholing museum, later visit Tag Rimochen lhakhang. Tang nunnery monastery and Zangtogpelhri lhakhang. In the evening hike from Nunnery monastery to the Dhungmi thang (Sheep breeding center) and enjoy the stunning landscape, fresh air etc...Later stroll around the Chamkhar town, Leisure walk and interact with the local people.

Overnight at home stay: Bumthang


The journey from Bumthang to Mongar, It is one of the most scenic drives in Bhutan. You will be driving through tick forest, waterfalls, remote villages and high passes. This area is the paradise for the bird watchers. You can make numerous stops on the ways for pictures and to enjoy the beauty of the nature.
Stop at Ura village and stall around the village and continue driving towards Mongar.

Overnight at hotel: Mongar


The father of Bhutan's first King came from this region. It is also home to the most famous and expensive fabric called Kushetahra. Pass past the left side of Kuri Chu River, through the villages of Menji and Tangmachu to Lhuentse. Upon arrival in the village, take a tour to the one of biggest statue of Guru Rinpoche, Takila and explore the area on foot. On the way back, pop into Khoma village, known for its textiles woven out of pure silk.
In the evening drive back to Mongar. On the way you make enormous stop for the pictures etc.

Overnight at hotel: Mongar


After following the deep valley for about an hour, the road ascends towards Korila pass 2400m with amazing view of surrounding mountains and villages.
On the way to Tashigang you can visit Dragmitse lhakhang. One of the most notable religious sites built in 16th century by Ani Cheten Zangmo, the daughter of the renowned Terton (religious treasure seeker) Pema Lingpa. The very popular Dramitse Ngacham or the “Drum of the Drums of Dramitse” was created in this lhakhang in the 16th century. Today, it is a popular dance performed at all major festivals. It is also on the esteemed UNESCO World Heritage list.
On arrival at Tashigang, Check in the hotel and explore the town. Visit Tashigang dzong; built in 17th century, it houses about 200 monks and the district administration. It is possible to visit some temples inside the dzong.

Overnight at hotel: Tashigang


Drive to Trashi Yangtse from Trashigang. On the way stop and visit the very sacred monasteries called Gom Kora. The Legend say, Guru Rinpoche mediated and subdued the demons to establish the peace in the region. Continue drive to Trashi Yangtse and visit Chorten Kora followed by Arts and crafts school. Explore the very little town on foot and visit the Crane information. You can also spot the blacked-necked cranes which migrate from Tibet.

Overnight at hotel: Tashigang


Drive for an hour and visit the monastic school founded by Garab Rimpoche. This the biggest Nyimapa school in the east. You can take Photos of rice fields, colorful houses and picturesque villages, prayer flags, chortens (religious monuments) prayer wheel turned by water.
Visit Radhi village and visit some houses to see women weaving. In the evening drive back to Tashigang, en route stop at Ranjung village and stall around for some time.

Overnight at hotel: Trashigang

Leaving behind the plains and you will be climbing towards the foothills of Himalayas; you will be rewarded with the stunning landscape, rich tropical forest. At Narphung village you find some local products including the famous homemade tea.

After lunch at Wamrong, stop at Khaling textile weaving center. Descend through the only public university in the country in Kanglung.
Overnight at hotel: Samdrup Jongkhar


Today, you will depart from Samdrup Jongkhar to Guwahati from Samdrup Jongkhar. It is about 03 hours drive. We hope to see you again.

GROUP SIZE: Any group Size                                                           
MEALS : Full Board
TRIP ACCOMMODATION : Tourist Standard Hotel,
generally 3 to 4 star category.
Paro, Thimphu , Punakha ,Wangdue,Trongsa , Bumthang, Mongar,
Trashigang and Samdrupjongkhar
TRIP TYPE :Cultural Tour 

TRIP SEASONS: Throughout year                                   
BEST MONTHS:Throughout year
TOUR  MONTHS: Throughout year
LEAN SEASON : USD 200  Per person
USD 225 Pes person 
GROUP OF 2 PERSONS:USD 30 per person per night
VISA FEE: USD 40 (One time)



  • Bhutan Royalties, tourists fees, Visa fees and taxes.
  • Accommodations in listed or similar hotels (pleasant hotels 3-4 star type) during the tour and in tents during the trek.
  • All meals, including evening tea/coffee etc through-out the trip.
  • All land transfers, sightseeing with entrance fees.
  • Experienced Culture Tour Guide.
  • Bottled water in the vehicle and other camp serivce.

  • Flights in and out of Bhutan.
  • Travel insurance, Drink, Visa fees, Laundry 

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